St. Patrick’s Day Events

With St Patrick’s Day quickly approaching, I want to remind everyone that you can post your public and private events here for free at the Official St Patrick’s Day website. You just sign up for a free IrishMail email account, then sign in the Event Application and start adding events. You can even promote your event using your IrishMail email account.

In addition, we offer a free Events widget. Publish once here, and it automatically updates your site with your events. It’s a great way to get twice the exposure for your event.

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5 Responses to “St. Patrick’s Day Events”

  1. Johnny Lately Says:

    Thanks for the info. Great site, and great app…hopefully more people list their irish events

  2. Aaron Says:

    Can’t wait for the Chicago St. Patrick’s Day Parade. That and the one in Savannah are the absolute best!

  3. Smitty Says:

    Going to a cool party this evening…not sure why they didn’t use Saint Patrick’s Day’s tool, but I’ll tell them about it.

  4. Irish Blogger Says:

    IrishMail is great. I would say if your a little Irish … don’t be a Yahoo!

  5. Alexis Says:

    Ancestor of all the Irish

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