Archive for the ‘Current Events’ Category

Irish-American Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

Here are a few links so you can add a little “luck of the Irish” to your Thanksgiving feast. Please feel free to add others, as I’m sure there’s lots of things different families do to green up the holiday! Enjoy!

1) An Irish Thanksgiving

2) Guinness and Baileys Irish CupCakes

3) Irish Cream Pumpkin Pie

4) Holiday Insights – Did you know? Potatoes were not part of the first Thanksgiving. Irish immigrants had not yet brought them to North America.

This is just funny…

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

If you’re at all in technology or have that one program that always crashes for no reason, this is a really funny blog.

St. Patrick’s Day Events

Sunday, February 7th, 2010

With St Patrick’s Day quickly approaching, I want to remind everyone that you can post your public and private events here for free at the Official St Patrick’s Day website. You just sign up for a free IrishMail email account, then sign in the Event Application and start adding events. You can even promote your event using your IrishMail email account.

In addition, we offer a free Events widget. Publish once here, and it automatically updates your site with your events. It’s a great way to get twice the exposure for your event.